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Oklahoma Corrections Professionals is a statewide association for Employees of the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, and the Pardon and Parole Board. We are dedicated to improving the image, benefits, compensation, working conditions and retirement for all Corrections and Criminal Justice Professionals.

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This Constitution shall be a guide to present and future Boards to assist in keeping Oklahoma Corrections Professionals grounded to its foundational beliefs.The order in which these articles are listed shall in no way be misinterpreted as an order of importance as each article is equally important.

Let it be decreed on this 25th day of January, 2010 by the current temporary board in place that any deletions or modifications to this Constitution will require a majority vote of the membership in attendance at an annual assembly. Any proposed additions will require a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

I. Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Association shall never propose or endorse any type of strike or walk-out for any reason due to the public safety nature of our profession.

II. Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Association shall remain a member driven association and not become a board oriented association.

III. Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Association shall always support all employees and not only certain sectors or job classifications.

IV. Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Association will attempt to give back to its membership in as many ways as possible.

V. Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Association shall promote interagency and interdepartmental cooperation to ensure our members are seen as a direct part of the criminal justice system.

VI. Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Association shall always strive to work with other associations with common goals and objectives for the betterment of Corrections.

VII. Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Association shall always strive to have a harmonious relationship with Executive Staff from all represented agencies and elected officials. This should never be misconstrued to mean that the Association cannot or should not disagree but the manner in which the disagreement is communicated shall remain as professional as possible.

VIII. Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Association will encourage diversity in its Board structure including, but not limited to, sex, age, race, job classification, etc.

Bylaws - Updated April 13th, 2018

Article I


1.1 Our Name: Is Oklahoma Corrections Professionals (“OCP” or “the Association”).

1.2 We Are: An employee association of Corrections and Criminal Justice Professionals employed by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections or any other agencies with employees primarily working within the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (i.e. Pardon
and Parole Board, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Office of Management and Enterprise Services, etc.)

1.3 We Are: A non-profit employee association incorporated in the State of Oklahoma and organized under section 501(c)(5) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article II

Objectives and Purposes

2.1 Our Mission: Is to provide a unified voice and representation for Corrections and Criminal Justice Professionals.

2.2 Our Intent: Is to improve the image, benefits, compensation, working conditions, and retirement of all Corrections and Criminal Justice Professionals.

Article III


3.1 Membership Eligibility: Anyperson shall be eligible for membership who is currently employed with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections or primarily works within any Oklahoma Department of Corrections facility or location, has completed the membership application, and remains current in payment of monthly dues. Members shall be eligible to vote, serve on committees, and, upon meeting all qualifications, hold office.

3.2 Membership Termination: Membership may be terminated at any time, with just cause, at the discretion of the Board.

Article IV

Board of Directors

4.1 Executive Board of Directors: The Executive Board of Directors (Executive Board) shall have five (5) seats comprised of the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each of the preceding positions shall be voted on by the members of the Executive Board.

4.2 Term of Office: The term of office for the President shall be two (2) years. The term of office for all other elected board members shall be determined by lottery at the Executive Board meeting held after the annual membership conference. Two (2) board seats will be randomly designated for a two (2) year term. The remaining two (2) board seats will be randomly designated for a one (1) year term.

4.3 Eligibility Requirements: Executive Board members must possess a minimum of three (3) years of employment with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections or working for another agency primarily within the Oklahoma Department of Corrections.

4.4 Elections: The election for expiring board seats shall take place at the annual membership conference. Candidates for expiring or unfilled Executive Board positions must submit the Application for Consideration prior to being placed on the ballot. Newly elected board members shall assume their duties immediately following the annual membership conference.

4.5 Vacating of Board Seats: If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the 1st Vice President shall succeed to the office of President and complete the remaining term of office. If a vacancy occurs in the office of 1st or 2nd Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary, the President will appoint a replacement to complete the remaining term of office.

4.6 Removal of Board Members: A member of the Executive Board may be removed from his or her seat at any time with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of no confidence by the membership.

4.7 Advisory Board: Upon completion of service as an officer of the Board of Directors, an officer has the option of retaining a non-voting seat on the Advisory Board. Advisory Board members may attend all board meetings and may offer opinions and advice to the Board. An Advisory Board term lasts two years, with no option for re-election. An officer whose term ended due to removal from office is not eligible for a seat on the Advisory Board. An Advisory Board member may only enter into an executive session by invitation of the Executive Board.

4.8 Quorum: Attendance by three fifths (3/5) of the total number of Executive Board members, excluding any vacancies, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a board meeting. If at any meeting a quorum is not present, the board members present shall adjourn the meeting. A proxy designated to conduct business on behalf of a board member may not be counted toward establishing a quorum for executive sessions.

Powers of Governance: A quorum of the elected officers of the Association shall be the governing body of the Association between meetings. They shall act without restrictions and with full authority of the membership exercising its general powers to conduct all
business as deemed necessary and appropriate.

4.10 Representative Board: Association members at each community, minimum, medium, and maximum facility, each probation and parole district, and the administrative offices shall each elect one (1) member to serve as a representative.

4.11 Duties of Representative Board: Each representative (or proxy) will be required to attend the first and third Executive Board meetings each year. Representatives are the first point of contact for members at their work location. They shall forward member concerns directly to the Executive Director and give a summary report at the required Executive Board meetings. Representatives shall have the authority to organize the members they represent, and will have the responsibility to coordinate with the Executive Director for Association support.

Article V

Executive Board Member Duties

5.1 President: The President shall preside over all meetings, decide all questions of order and procedure, submit for consideration all motions and observe and require compliance with the Constitution, By-laws, and Policies of the Association. The President shall only vote in the case of a tie.

5.2 1st Vice President: The 1st Vice President shall fulfill the duties of the President upon the President’s absence. Additionally, the 1st Vice President shall act as the first point of contact between the Executive Board and the Representative Board.

5.3 2nd Vice President: The 2nd Vice President shall act as a liaison between OCP and Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Political Action Committee.

5.4 Secretary: The Secretary shall give notice of meetings. The Secretary shall record and report the minutes of all meetings and maintain the official association records in coordination with the staff. The Secretary shall provide meeting minutes upon the request of any board member or upon the written request of any active member. All executive session minutes shall remain confidential.

5.5 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the Chairperson of the finance committee and shall bi-annually review information concerning the financial state of the association as provided by the Executive Director.

Article VI


6.1 Standing committees: The Executive Board may create standing committees. A committee shall be dissolved by board vote.

6.2 Special committees: The President, or designee, may appoint a special committee to perform particular duties outside
the province of any standing committees. A special committee shall be dissolved upon the completion of the duties designated by the Executive Board.

6.3 Inclusion in committees: Any member of the Executive Board or Representative Board may participate or be assigned to a standing or special committee as necessary.

Article VII


7.1 Board Meetings: The Association shall conduct a minimum of four (4) Board meetings and one membership conference annually. The first and third meeting of the year will include the members of the representative board. The second and fourth meeting of the year will require attendance by the Executive Board only. Meeting times and locations will be determined by the President, or designee, and will be published at least 60 days in advance of said meeting. At any time, the Executive Board may recess into executive session in order to conduct business of a sensitive or confidential nature. Any votes resulting from issues discussed during the executive session will be conducted after the Board meeting resumes regular session.

7.2 Emergency Meetings: An officer of the Executive Board may call an emergency meeting to address urgent business as deemed
necessary. Notice shall be given to all board members at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the emergency meeting. Emergency meetings may be held via tele-conference.

Article VIII


8.1 Dues: The Executive Board shall determine the amount of dues for membership and the procedure for collection of dues. All members shall pay the appropriate dues. Any dues increase for members shall be approved by a majority (51%) of those voting on the measure at the annual membership conference.

8.2 Independent Audits: At the end of each calendar year, an independent audit of the Association's financial records shall be conducted by a Certified Public Accountant licensed for business in the State of Oklahoma. At the discretion of the Executive Board, a special audit may be called upon a majority vote. Results of the audit shall be reported directly to the Executive Board and made a matter of public record.

8.3 Contracts: All contracts must be for the sole purpose of benefiting the membership. Executive Board members and their immediate family, along with immediate family of staff, are ineligible for contracts with the Association. Immediate family is
defined as, but not limited to, spouse, parents, children, and siblings.

8.4 Staff: The Executive Board shall employ an Executive Director who shall serve the needs of the Association under the direction of the Executive Board. The Executive Director, with Executive Board approval, will retain and supervise support staff as necessary to carry out the day-to-day operations of the Association. Compensation of, bonding, and policies related to the employment of this position will be determined by the Executive Board. At its discretion, based on a three fifths (3/5) vote, the Executive Board may intervene in the hiring, termination and discipline of any employee or agent. Additional personnel shall be hired to conduct association business as deemed necessary by the Executive Board and Executive Director.

Article IX

Amendments to the By-laws

9.1 By-law Amendments: A proposed amendment to the By-laws must be submitted in writing to the President at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual membership conference. The proposal shall be made known to the membership at least two weeks prior to any vote on the amendment. It shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active membership present to be adopted. Once adopted, an approved amendment is effective immediately.

Article X


10.1 Oklahoma Corrections Professionals Political Action Committee: Acting under the authority of the Association, the Political Action Committee will function according to the direction of its own Board of Directors and by-laws. The Association will forward a portion of dues collected, as feasible, to the Political Action Committee. A member of the Political Action Committee’s Board of Directors, or a designee thereof, will attend each board meeting in order to report to the Executive Board on the actions of the Political Action Committee.