Oklahoma Corrections Professionals provides monetary assistance to our members when a catastrophic or other qualifying event occurs. To apply for consideration, please fill out the application linked below and email it to ocpforoklahoma@gmail.com.
Assistance Request Form (fillable).pdfGuidelines and Policies
Oklahoma Corrections Professionals (OCP) defines a catastrophic event as when a member, because of an unforeseen circumstance is facing severe financial hardship. Qualifying events can include medical issues, death of an immediate family member, natural disasters/house fires and others.
The funds for this program are limited and as such not every application will be approved, nor will every request receive the maximum amount allowed due to available funds.
After an application is received, it will be given consideration for approval. This consideration can take several days.
OCP will contact the member's employing facility or office to coordinate assistance, as well as to determine if there are other options available. The funds for this program are donated by our members, and we want to be fiscally responsible with their money.
General Policies:
- OCP will generally only approve one application for assistance per member per calendar year. There are exceptions for extreme cases, and these exceptions must be approved by the OCP Board of Directors.
- Assistance amounts will not typically exceed $500 per request. If OCP can match funds from another source the amount can be higher on a per instance basis. The OCP Board of Directors must approve any exception to this policy.
- If supporting documentation is required, it must be received before a decision is finalized.
- Anyone may submit an application for assistance. Only members of OCP will be approved to receive assistance unless the OCP Board of Directors issues an exception.
- Assistance requests will be considered confidential with the caveat that OCP will contact facility/office personnel to coordinate. This will typically be limited to the Warden/Administrator's Office and HR.